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  4. SKLZ Accelerator Pro Compact True-Roll Putting Mat
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SKLZ Accelerator Pro Compact True-Roll Putting Mat


「SKLZ Accelerator Pro Compact True-Roll Putting Mat」のお奨め商品情報です♪

SKLZ Accelerator Pro Compact True-Roll Putting Mat

「SKLZ Accelerator Pro Compact True-Roll Putting Mat」の概要

商品名 SKLZ Accelerator Pro Compact True-Roll Putting Mat
メーカー SKLZ
税別価格 2999円
税込価格 3239円
商品説明 SKLZ Accelerator Pro Compact True-Roll Putting Mat Accelerator Pro Compact lets you train nearly anywhere. Precise alignment guides on a true-roll surface assist in squaring the face back swing and follow through – for greater accuracy and distance control building more confidence for crucial 3-foot putts. ACCELERATOR PRO COMPACT FEATURES ・Develops accuracy and distance control with squaring and alignment guides ・Ball-catching tray fits up to 6 balls for continuous training ・Improves consistency in putting stroke and builds confidence ・Quick and easy set up means you can train anywhere 商品番号:SKL0058 商品名:SKLZ Accelerator Pro Compact True-Roll Putting Mat
送料 ご購入手続きの画面に進んでいただくと「配送方法」の欄で配送料が表示される仕組みとなっております。
クラブ、ゴルフバック、シューズ、ボール、アクセサリー など商品の同時発送時には送料が多少異なる場合がございます。

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