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エナジーアスリート Short Sleeve Tech Flex Golf Shirts

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エナジーアスリート Short Sleeve Tech Flex Golf Shirts

「エナジーアスリート Short Sleeve Tech Flex Golf Shirts」の概要

商品名 エナジーアスリート Short Sleeve Tech Flex Golf Shirts
メーカー EnergyAthletic
税別価格 6990円
税込価格 7549円
商品説明 EnergyAthletic Short Sleeve Tech Flex Golf Shirts ENERGY ATHLETIC GOLF POWERED BY IONX Energy Athletic Golf apparel powered by IonX can improve all aspects of a golfer’s game helping to energize increase focus and add power during every round. During an electrical storm or near clean moving water the air will feel clear and you feel revitalized. This is caused by the natural process known as ionization-when an electron joins with an atom. This pairing causes the atoms to move from a neutral to a negative charge thus creating energy. What science has learned is that ionization energizes the body’s electrical circuits. This stimulates blood flow increases efficiency of power and speeds up recovery. This negative ion technology has been used by Russian cosmonauts and Olympic athletes to enhance concentration and physical performance. With coverage many times greater than a bracelet or necklace the IonX Ionized Energy Fabric exclusive to Energy Athletic Golf delivers ionized energy to the entire upper body through a negatively charged electromagnetic field built into the molecular structure of the fabric. A double blind study at the Sport Technology Lab at Loughborough University in England concluded that IonX represents a revolutionary apparel technology. The improved flow of oxygen-enriched blood brings fresh energy to the muscles to help improve your energy focus and performance. What does this mean to golfers? Enhanced swing speed stamina and strength. A golfer wearing Energy Athletic powered by IonX will have the advantage of increased average power of 2.7%. You’ll have more energy feel stronger and hit the ball longer. The future of golf is here now with Energy Athletic Golf. 商品番号:ENA11000002 商品名:EnergyAthletic Short Sleeve Tech Flex Golf Shirts
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